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Legal notice

[Company Name]

  • Company name or company name.

  • Address of the company's registered office.

  • Names of company officers.

  • Company phone number, fax number and email address.

  • Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register   or other authority applicable to the activity. 

  • Tax identification number. 

  • Legal form of the company.

  • Amount of Share Capital.

  • If your website offers services in the context of an activity that requires the approval of a public authority, the contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided. ​​​

  • Name, denomination or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site.

  • Notices relating to the use of personal data.

  • Notices relating to the use of cookies.


The purpose of these General Conditions (or Conditions) is to define the terms and conditions for the provision of services on the website, hereinafter referred to as "the Site", and the conditions of use of the Site by the User. Any access and/or use of the site implies acceptance and compliance with all the terms of these Conditions and their unconditional acceptance. They therefore constitute a contract between the Site and the User. In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of these terms and conditions, he/she is requested to renounce any use of the Site.


Legal notice

The site is edited by :

Mr. Colin FASSOTTE, whose home is located: rue Jean Borg, 34 4624 Romsée. 
The site is hosted by :

Definitions used in these conditions

  • User: The User is any person who uses the Site or one of the services offered on the Site.

  • User Content: The term "User Content" refers to the data transmitted by the User in the various sections of the Site.

  • Member: The term "Member" refers to a user identified on the Site.

  • Identifier: The term "User ID" refers to the information required to identify a user on the Site in order to access the areas reserved for members.

  • Password: The "Password" is confidential information, which the User must keep secret, allowing him/her, used in conjunction with his/her User ID, to prove his/her identity.

Access to the Site

The Site is accessible free of charge to any User with Internet access. All costs related to accessing the Site, whether hardware, software or Internet access costs, are exclusively the responsibility of the User. The user is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment and his access to the Internet. Certain sections of the Site are reserved for Members after identification using their User ID and Password. reserves the right to refuse access to the Site, unilaterally and without prior notice, to any User who does not comply with these terms of use. uses all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure quality access to the Site, but is under no obligation to do so. colinfassotte. com cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond reasonable control, which would prevent or degrade access to the Site. reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or modify without notice access to all or part of the Site, in order to ensure maintenance, or for any other reason, without the interruption giving rise to any obligation or compensation.

Intellectual property

Any unauthorized reproduction of the elements present on this site, logos and distinctive signs constitutes a counterfeit liable to penal sanctions. The offender is liable to civil and criminal penalties and in particular to the penalties provided for in Articles L. 335.2 and L. 343.1 of the Intellectual Property Code. The User is solely responsible for the User Content that he/she puts online via the Site, as well as the texts and/or opinions that he/she formulates. He undertakes in particular to ensure that this data is not such as to infringe the legitimate interests of third parties, whoever they may be. As such, he guarantees against any recourse, based directly or indirectly on these remarks and/or data, which may be brought by anyone against In particular, the User agrees to pay any and all sums resulting from any action by a third party against, including attorney's fees and court costs. reserves the right to delete all or part of the User Content, at any time and for any reason whatsoever, without prior notice or justification. The User shall not be entitled to make any claim in this regard.

Personal data guarantees to the User a right of opposition, access and correction on the personal data concerning him. The User has the possibility of exercising this right :


Limits of liability


The information provided on the website comes from sources that are deemed reliable. However, cannot guarantee the accuracy or relevance of this data. Furthermore, the information provided on this site is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a recommendation of any kind. Consequently, cannot be held responsible for the use of the information and content available on the site in any way whatsoever. The User is solely responsible for the proper use, with discernment and spirit, of the information made available on the Site. Furthermore, the User undertakes to indemnify for any harmful consequences directly or indirectly related to the use of the Site. Access to certain sections of the website requires the use of a User ID and a Password. The Password, chosen by the user, is personal and confidential. The user undertakes to keep his/her password secret and not to divulge it in any form whatsoever. The use of the User ID and Password on the Internet is at the User's own risk. It is the User's responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect his/her own data against any attack. nevertheless undertakes to put in place all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of transmitted data. The User is informed that one or more cookies, containing no personal information, may be placed on his/her hard disk to ensure his/her identification. The User acknowledges that he/she is aware of the limitations and constraints of the Internet network and, as such, recognizes the impossibility of a total guarantee of the security of data exchanges. Colin Fassotte cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the transmission of any information, including that of the User's login and/or password, via the Site. cannot under any circumstances, within the limits of applicable law, be held responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage or harm of any nature whatsoever resulting from the unavailability of the Site or from any Use of the Site. The term "Use" must be understood in the broadest sense, i.e. any use of the site whatsoever, legal or not. The User undertakes, in a general way, to respect all the regulations in force in Belgium and the European Union.

Hypertext links provides hypertext links to websites published and/or managed by third parties. Insofar as no control is exercised over these external resources, the User acknowledges that assumes no responsibility for the availability of these resources, and cannot be held liable for their content.


Force majeure

The responsibility for could not be committed in the event of force majeure or of facts independent of its will.




Evolution of the present contract reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and notices of this agreement at any time. The User is therefore advised to regularly consult the latest version of the Terms of Use available on the website.




Duration and termination

This contract is concluded for an indefinite period of time starting from the use of the Site by the User.

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